Flow divider, type TQ
Product documentation
D 7381
Operating pressure p
Flow rate Q
CN max
350 bar
200 lpm
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1 Overview of ow divider, type TQ........................................................................................................................4
2 Available versions, main data............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Valves with same dividing ratio............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Valves for unequal division ratios...........................................................................................................................7
Valves only for parts C A, B............................................................................................................................. 8
3 Parameters......................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 General information..............................................................................................................................................9
4 Dimensions...................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Version for pipe connection.................................................................................................................................13
4.2 Version for manifold mounting.............................................................................................................................14
5 Assembly, operation and maintenance recommendations.....................................................................................15
5.1 Intended use..................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Assembly information......................................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Operating instructions.........................................................................................................................................16
5.4 Maintenance information..................................................................................................................................... 16
6 Other information.............................................................................................................................................17
6.1 Structure and operating principle......................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Circuit example.................................................................................................................................................. 18
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© HAWE Hydraulik SE
Overview of ow divider, type TQ
Flow dividers are a type of ow valve. They divide or add together a total ow
rate either evenly or using a xed ratio. The consumer pressures have no effect.
The ow divider, type TQ is, due to its simple design, an economical solution for
simple dividing tasks, e.g. if two hydraulic consumers with varying loads supplied
from one pump are to be moved simultaneously without interaction.
Intended applications include mobile hydraulics and industrial hydraulics.
Features and benets:
Excellent dividing accuracy
Intended applications:
Steering systems
Synchronous cylinders
Flow divider, type TQ
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Available versions, main data
2.1 Valves with same dividing ratio
Circuit symbol: TQ TQ .P
Order coding example:
TQ 32 - A 3
Flow rate Table 2 Flow rate
Basic type and size Table 1 Basic type and size
Table 1 Basic type and size
Connection (ISO 228-1 (BSPP) or JIS B2351-1)Type Flow rate
A, B
Pipe connection
TQ 21 - A
TQ 21 JIS - A
7.5 ... 70 G 1/4 G 3/8
TQ 22 - A
TQ 22 JIS - A
7.5 ... 70 G 3/8 G 3/8
TQ 32 - A
TQ 32 JIS - A
7.5 ... 70 G 3/8 G 1/2
TQ 33 - A
TQ 33 JIS - A
7.5 ... 70 G 1/2 G 1/2
TQ 43 - A 80 ... 120
G 1/2 G 3/4
TQ 54 - A 140 ... 200
G 3/4 G 1
Manifold mounting
TQ 3 P - A 7.5 ... 70
#8 #10.5
TQ 4 P - A 80 ... 120
#13 #16
TQ 5 P - A 140 ... 200
#15 #20
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Table 2 Flow rate
End position compensation
approx. (lpm)
Coding available for basic
Nominal total
ow rate
approx. (lpm)
0.78 3.5 0.2 0.1
1.1 7.5 1.6 1
1.6 15 1.6 1
2.3 30 2.5 1.5
3 45 4 1.7
3.5 60 5 2
TQ 21 . - A
TQ 22 . - A
TQ 32 . - A
TQ 33 . - A
TQ 3 P - A
70 6.5 3
4 80 6.5 3
TQ 43 - A
TQ 4P - A
120 9 5
5.5 140 12 6
TQ 54 - A
TQ 5 P - A
200 15 7
Nominal total ow rate Q
: Reference value for the permissible inlet volume ow rate at connection C,
Δp C e A and Δp C e B approx. 30 bar, see Δp-Q characteristics.
TQ 21 . - A 4 (Q
70 lpm): only for applications in which a larger division error (approx. ± 8... 10%) is not a problem.
End position compensation: If the leading end stops at the end stop for hydraulic cylinders, the other end follows according
to the specied equalising ow (reference value), observe note in Chapter 6.2, "Circuit example" .
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2.2 Valves for unequal division ratios
Order coding example:
TQ 32 - A 3/ 2
Ratio of consumer ow rates z = Q
/ Q
Table 3 Available versions
Flow rate Table 2 Flow rate, see Chapter 2.1, "Valves with same dividing ratio"
Basic type and size Table 1 Basic type and size
Table 3 Available versions
Type Flow rate/
Type Flow rate/
Type Flow rate/
1.1/2 3/3 4/1.5 5.5/2
1.6/2 3.5/2 4/2 6.8/2
2.3/1.4 3.5/3 4/3 6.8/3
2.3/2 3.5/4 5/2
2.3/3 4/1.4 * 5/3
2.3/4 4/2 * 5/5
3/1.5 4/3 * 5/1.5
TQ 2.. - A
TQ 3.. - A
3/2 4/4 *
TQ 4.. - A TQ 5.. - A
: Nominal total ow rate according to the ow rate coding, see Chapter 2.1, "Valves with same dividing ratio", Table 2
Connection A: maximum permissible subow rate is Q
A max
= 0.5 Q
Connection B: smaller subow
Connection C: the permissible inlet ow rate Q
C perm
is smaller than Q
(z = ratio of consumer ow rates, see Table 3)
C perm
= Q
A max
+ Q
B max
z = 2:
z = 3:
z = 4:
* TQ 21 . - A 4 (Q
70 lpm): only for applications in which a larger division error (approx. ± 8... 10%) is not a problem.
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2.3 Valves only for parts C A, B
Circuit symbol: TQ ..-B
No return ow
Order coding example:
TQ 32 - B - 2,3
Flow rate Table 2 Flow rate
with simple mono-control piston
with bypass check valve
Basic type and size Table 4 Basic type and size
Table 4 Basic type and size
Connection (ISO 228-1) (BSPP)Type
Pipe connection
TQ 21-B G 1/4 G 1/4 G 3/8
TQ 22-B G 3/8 G 3/8 G 3/8
TQ 32-B G 3/8 G 3/8 G 1/2
TQ 33-B G 1/2 G 1/2 G 1/2
TQ 43-B G 1/2 G 1/2 G 3/4
TQ 54-B G 3/4 G 3/4 G 1
Valves with a simple mono-control piston,only for ow direction
C A, B for dividing. Return ow in the opposite direction not
TQ 32 R-B G 3/8 G 3/8 G 1/2 Built-in bypass check valves for free, unregulated return ow.
Sample application:
Grapple buckets or forks, which need to open quickly and unbraked
due to their weight and should hit their limit stop to knock loose
stuck material.
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3.1 General information
Designation Flow divider
Design Piston spool valve
Model manifold mounting, pipe connection
Material Steel; electrogalvanised valve housing
Installation position As desired
Hydraulic uid Hydraulic oil: according to part 1 to 3;
ISO VG 10 to 68 according to DIN ISO 3448
Viscosity limits: min. approx. 4, max. approx. 1500 mm
opt. operation approx. 10... 500 mm
Also suitable for biologically degradable hydraulic uids type HEPG (polyalkylene glycol)
and HEES (synthetic ester) at operating temperatures up to approx. +70°C.
Cleanliness level
ISO 4406
Temperatures Ambient: approx. -40 ... +80°C, Fluid: -25 ... +80°C, Note the viscosity range!
Permissible temperature during start: -40°C (observe start-viscosity!), as long as the service
temperature is at least 20K higher for the following operation.
Biologically degradable pressure uids: Observe manufacturer's specifications. By considera-
tion of the compatibility with seal material not over +70°C.
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Division accuracy depends on
Total oil ow Q
The total oil ow Q
should be between 50...100% of Q
. Below 50% of Q
the accuracy
of the division drops. In this case, you have to select a device with the next smaller ow
rate coding.
Pressure difference between consumer ports A and B:
At the same or slightly different pressures ( 20 bar), the division error is approximately
± 1... 2%. For larger pressure differences, the division error increases; at a difference of
100 bar, for the ow rate codings A 0.78 ... 2.3, it is approximately ± 2 ... 2.5% and for
larger codings it can rise to± 3...5%. For A 6.8 it can rise to approximately ± 5...7%.
total oil ow (%); SQ
A, B
subow (*%)
Division error:
at the same load pressures or low pressure differences between connections A and B.
Pressure and ow rate
Operating pressure p
= 350 bar
Flow rate See Chapter 2.1, "Valves with same dividing ratio", Table 2
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Oil viscosity approx. 60 mm
Sp-Q characteristics
TQ..-A.. TQ..-B..
A, B
subow (lpm); Sp ow resistance (bar)
A, B
subow (lpm); Sp ow resistance (bar)
A, B
subow (lpm); Sp ow resistance (bar)
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Oil viscosity approx. 60 mm
Sp-Q characteristics for return ow
TQ 32 R-B
subow (lpm); Sp ow resistance (bar)
TQ 21., TQ 22. = 0.6 kg
TQ 32., TQ 33. = 0.6 kg
TQ 43 = 1.5 kg
TQ 54 = 3.0 kg
TQ 3P-A = 0.7 kg
TQ 4P-A = 1.6 kg
TQ 5P-A = 3.1 kg
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All dimensions in mm, subject to change.
4.1 Version for pipe connection
TQ 21 . - A... TQ 54 . - A
TQ 21 . - B... TQ 54 . - B
See Note
TQ 32 R - B ..
Do not deform housing on mounting level; place washers in between as spacers to prevent unevenness
Type H B T a b c l g
TQ 21 34.8
TQ 21 JIS 31
TQ 22 34.8
TQ 22 JIS 31
TQ 32
30 50 59.6
44 6 9.5
TQ 32 JIS 35
TQ 33 36
30 60 66
44 4 9.5
M8, continuous
TQ 43 40 60 80 50 60 6 15
TQ 54 50 80 104 60 80 10 15
M8, 10 deep
continuous core
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4.2 Version for manifold mounting
O-ring NBR 90 Shore
Base plate hole pattern
Type H B T a b c
#d #d1
l g O-ring
TQ 3P-A 30 50 60 17.5 48 40 8 10.5 9.5 M6, 10 deep 12.42x1.78
TQ 4P-A 40 60 80 26 64 47 13 16 15 M8, 10 deep 18.72x2.62
TQ 5P-A 50 80 104 31 80 63 15 20 15 M10, 10 deep 31.42x2.62
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Assembly, operation and maintenance recommendations
5.1 Intended use
This valveis intended exclusively for hydraulic applications (uid technology).
The user must observe the safety measures and warnings in this documentation.
Essential requirements for the product to function correctly and safely:
All information in this documentation must be observed. This applies in particular to all safety measures and warnings.
The product must only be assembled and put into operation by qualied personnel.
The product must only be operated within the specied technical parameters. The technical parameters are described in detail in this
The operating and maintenance manual of the components, assemblies and the specic complete system must also always be
If the product can no longer be operated safely:
1. Remove the product from operation and mark it accordingly.
It is then not permitted to continue using or operating the product.
5.2 Assembly information
The product must only be installed in the complete system with standard and compliant connection components (ttings, hoses, pipes,
xtures, etc.).
The hydraulic power pack must be shut down correctly prior to dismounting; this applies in particular to power packs with hydraulic
Risk to life caused by sudden movement of the hydraulic drives when dismantled incorrectly!
Risk of serious injury or death.
Depressurise the hydraulic system.
Perform safety measures in preparation for maintenance.
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5.3 Operating instructions
Note product configuration and pressure / ow rate
The statements and technical parameters in this documentation must be strictly observed.
The instructions for the complete technical system must also always be followed.
Read the documentation carefully before usage.
The documentation must be accessible to the operating and maintenance staff at all times.
Keep documentation up to date after every addition or update.
Risk of injury due to unexpected movement processes in the machine due to incorrect ow setting!
Risk of minor injury
Be prepared for unexpected, fast movements. On changing the ow settings, consumers will move more slowly or more
Always monitor the pressure gauge when setting or changing the ow.
Purity and ltering of the hydraulic uid
Fine contamination can significantly impair the function of the hydraulic component. Contamination can cause irreparable damage.
Examples of ne contamination include:
Metal chips
Rubber particles from hoses and seals
Dirt due to assembly and maintenance
Mechanical debris
Chemical ageing of the hydraulic uid
Fresh hydraulic uid from the drum does not always have the highest degree of purity. Under some circumstances the fresh
hydraulic uid must be ltered before use.
Adhere to the cleanliness level of the hydraulic uid in order to maintain faultless operation.
(also see cleanliness level in Chapter 3, "Parameters").
Additionally applicable document: D 5488/1 Oil recommendations
5.4 Maintenance information
Conduct a visual inspection at regular intervals, but at least once per year, to check if the hydraulic connections are damaged. If
external leakages are found, shut down and repair the system.
Clean the device surface of dust deposits and dirt at regular intervals, but at least once per year.
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Other information
6.1 Structure and operating principle
In addition to the housing, the ow divider consists of two coupled control pistons 1. The control pistons are held in the middle
position (rest position) using centring springs 4.
A xed orice 2 and a variable throttle point 3 are integrated into the control pistons.
A ow from C to A and B creates a pressure drop which brings the control pistons into the control position (ow control function).
By coupling the two control pistons, the ow rates at A and B are kept constant in accordance with the ratio, even if there are different
load pressures at A and B.
Control piston, coupled, hardened and polished
Variable cross-section (variable throttle point)
Centring springs and control springs
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6.2 Circuit example
Double-acting consumer
From the pump
From the pump
1 Double-acting hydraulic cylinder
for example, after D 2055/1
2 Flow divider, type TQ
3 Directional spool valve
Figure on left: When extending the cylinders (dividing), there is a ow resistance at the ow divider for Q
= Q
= 0.5 Q
(= 0.5 Q
according to the Sp-Q characteristics.
When retracting (merging), the subows Q
= Q
are larger according to the surface ratio of the cylinders; the associated ow resistance
is also greater according to the surface ratio for the pump.
In borderline cases with Q
in the range Q
C max
, connection of the ow divider to the rod side of the cylinders can therefore be more
preferable (see 5)
4 Pressure-limiting valves
With the ow divider on the piston side:
Pressure-limiting valves are to be used if the end position compensation (during extension) of the trailing cylinder is to be performed
without a speed limitation.
The triggering pressure-limiting valve of the cylinder that arrives rst at the end stop continues to simulate the hydraulic uid demand
for the ow divider even though the piston has stopped.
(Pressure setting slightly lower than pressure-limiting valve on the pump side)
5 Pressure-limiting valves
With the ow divider on the rod side:
Pressure-limiting valves are to be planned in order to avoid (during end position compensation during extension) transmissions of
pressure due to the surface difference of the cylinders.
(Pressure setting slightly lower than pressure-limiting valve on the pump side)
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Single-acting, weight-loaded consumers (lifting equipment)
From the pump
1 Single-acting hydraulic cylinder
2 Flow divider, type TQ
3 Zero-leakage directional seated valves
for example, D 7765 orD 7300 or equivalent versions for blocking the cylinder lines for “stop” in any raised, intermediate position.
Directional seated valves prevent uncontrolled volume exchange via the ow divider from the cylinder that is more greatly loaded to the
less loaded cylinder, thus preventing retraction of the one and extension of the other.
If you always drive against the end stop without an intermediate stop, the directional seat valves are not required.
4 Lifting/lowering valve, type HSV 21
See D 7032
Adjust the lowering speed using the throttle “Dr”.
Avoid high lowering speeds!
When lowering the loads (merging of the subows), at the connection C, due to the directional valve open to the tank, low
reux resistance prevails.
Although the control orice on the higher-load consumer side (in the picture at A) compensates for the pressure difference
compared to the lower-load consumer, the subows Q
= Q
would then result according to the Sp-Q characteristics in
"Parameters" for Sp = load pressure of the lower-load cylinder. In order to avoid excess lowering speeds, the total return ow
must be limited to values Q
by a suitable ow valve.
In the example: Limitation by the throttle "Dr" present in the lifting/lowering valve or by a drop-rate braking valve (D 6920) or
another equivalent device.
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HAWE Hydraulik SE
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Tel +49 89 379100-1000 | Fax +49 89 379100-91000 | info@hawe.de | www.hawe.com
Further information
Additional versions
Flow control valve (lowering brake valve) type SB and SQ: D 6920
Flow control valve type SJ: D 7395
Flow control valve type CSJ: D 7736
Flow control valve type SD, SF and SK: D 6233
Proportional ow control valve type SE and SEH: D 7557/1